Glass Shop Ivana Sramkova Cubist Cast Glass Dog PreviousVratislav Sotola Pressed Clear Glass Vase NextPer-Olaf Strom: Ringed Blue Vase Ivana Sramkova Cubist Cast Glass Dog Ivana Sramkova Cubist Cast Glass Dog $10,900.00 Nose-to-Tail 29.25(L) In., Top-to-Bottom 19.25(H) In. x 5.875(D) In. Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter You Might Also Like Arthur Allison Murano-Style Glass Bowl with Millefiore Signed and Numbered $60.00 Pavel Hlava: Mid-Century Modern, Signed Czech Vase $870.00 Petr Hora: Bottle One $860.00 Maureen Williams: Altered Landscape V Paradise $2,500.00 Vaclav Kuzelka: Tall Diamond-Shaped Abstract Swirls Glass Vase $764.00