Joan Mitchell: Flower III (Bedford Series), 1981

Joan Mitchell: Flower III (Bedford Series), 1981


Edition Number 44 of 70, Color Lithograph on Hand-Made Paper, 32.5(W) x 42.5(H) Inches, Framed, $13,500

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Robert Cottingham: Corona, 2015

Robert Cottingham: Corona, 2015

Amir Timergaleiev, Figure Composition

Amir Timergaleiev, Figure Composition

Eyvind Earle: Big Sur Calm,1982

Eyvind Earle: Big Sur Calm,1982

Robert Kipniss: Backyard, Elsah, 1992 Kipniss Robert Backyard, Elsah   Ed. 32 of 60  18(L) x 16(H) Inches Framed $745.jpg

Robert Kipniss: Backyard, Elsah, 1992

Paintings and prints_burgess, Andy_Eileen Grays E-1072 House_1 of 30_etching_20x17_$1293_copressed.jpg Paintings and prints_burgess, Andy_Eileen Grays E-1072 House_1 of 30_etching_20x17_$1293.jpg

Andy Burgess: Eileen Gray's 3-1027 House , 2016
